kRaziE crAniUm

the writings from a chica in the midwest just trying to keep it real and survive...

Monday, September 08, 2008

waiting for my turn...

this summer i moved to brookings. it was pretty sweet minus the spiders n bugs all over my apartment b/c i lived in a shithole crack house... no lie. thats y it was cheap. my job was aiight but i met awesome ppl. i went to the movies every week n found a new hobby--frisby golfing. i also found out my mom has lung cancer. she randomly came to visit my bro n me to tell us. and she just had surgery a couple weeks ago to remove half of her lung to get the tumor out. she was in the hospital for 10 days. it royally sucked b/c i hate hospitals firstly, plus i had to get all my moving back done along w/ training for 2 different things. so i was either busy at school doing my thang or at the hospital. but they think they got it all. *cross fingers* now i just have to keep an eye out for her since it's hard for her to breath so walking is hard and stairs are too. i get her groceries, medications, and watever else. i also make sure she doesn't have another bad episode at the apt. its tough when i live across town. o well, shit happens. im almost done w/ skewl... thank god. one more year to go and hopefully i'll be outta here. then disney world perhaps..... daktronics again maybe... who knows. i just want to be done. and i currently think i like someone n i think they like me too... exciting. we'll c wat happens tho. and i possibly mite b going to nyc again for new years w/ my bro. im pumped. but rite now, life is krazie busy as always. 18 credits, 4 jobs, dorm life... things can get a little outta hand. anywayz, im outtie


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