kRaziE crAniUm

the writings from a chica in the midwest just trying to keep it real and survive...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

ppl SUCK

ive always known this, but it just reoccured to me again recently how much ppl suck! not only that, but you cannot rely on anyone these dayz. ppl are selfish mofos who only look out for themselves and dont give a flyin' fuck about others. they put themselves first and leave u in the dust. lately i just hate ppl -- they are dumb and they suck. throw rox at them! ppl have just been pissin' me off lately. everything they do bothers me especially the ppl "close" to me. what a fool i was to actually think they were my friends. we're not. i just thought that. they dont care about me. not at all, only if it affects them do they decide to "care." bah! i dont need "friends" like that. ppl dont have my back. i cannot trust anyone. i cant confide in no one. im fed up. im flyin' solo again only for myself to look out for me, and even then i screw myself over. so really i got jack shit.... damn this blowz ass chunkards! fuck you world!!


  • At November 30, 2006 6:00 PM , Blogger Erik said...

    You know you might enjoy life more if you got rid of that attitude. Not everbody is a bad person or untrustworthy but nobody is perfect either. Yeah people might piss you off sometimes but that doesn't mean that what they did is wrong or that they shouldn't be forgiven. Just don't stress out so much. Take a chill pill and enjoy life because it doesn't last forever and it would be a shame to waste it being upset or on your gaurd all the time.

  • At November 30, 2006 10:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Maybe some people are mean to you because your rude to them first. When youre with someone, you never seem like you want to be with them, and youre just on your phone all the time or ignoring them. maybe you're the selfish one. You only want to be around happy people when your happy, and when you're not, you just ignore everyone and don't say whats up. I think you are flying solo because you act like you care about no one and you act like you're too good for everyone. People only feel like putting up with so much before they give up and think I can take a hint, you don't want us around. Everyone has problems and if you want people to be real friends and care lots then you have to let them know about youre life.


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