kRaziE crAniUm

the writings from a chica in the midwest just trying to keep it real and survive...

Monday, September 08, 2008

waiting for my turn...

this summer i moved to brookings. it was pretty sweet minus the spiders n bugs all over my apartment b/c i lived in a shithole crack house... no lie. thats y it was cheap. my job was aiight but i met awesome ppl. i went to the movies every week n found a new hobby--frisby golfing. i also found out my mom has lung cancer. she randomly came to visit my bro n me to tell us. and she just had surgery a couple weeks ago to remove half of her lung to get the tumor out. she was in the hospital for 10 days. it royally sucked b/c i hate hospitals firstly, plus i had to get all my moving back done along w/ training for 2 different things. so i was either busy at school doing my thang or at the hospital. but they think they got it all. *cross fingers* now i just have to keep an eye out for her since it's hard for her to breath so walking is hard and stairs are too. i get her groceries, medications, and watever else. i also make sure she doesn't have another bad episode at the apt. its tough when i live across town. o well, shit happens. im almost done w/ skewl... thank god. one more year to go and hopefully i'll be outta here. then disney world perhaps..... daktronics again maybe... who knows. i just want to be done. and i currently think i like someone n i think they like me too... exciting. we'll c wat happens tho. and i possibly mite b going to nyc again for new years w/ my bro. im pumped. but rite now, life is krazie busy as always. 18 credits, 4 jobs, dorm life... things can get a little outta hand. anywayz, im outtie

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

ppl SUCK

ive always known this, but it just reoccured to me again recently how much ppl suck! not only that, but you cannot rely on anyone these dayz. ppl are selfish mofos who only look out for themselves and dont give a flyin' fuck about others. they put themselves first and leave u in the dust. lately i just hate ppl -- they are dumb and they suck. throw rox at them! ppl have just been pissin' me off lately. everything they do bothers me especially the ppl "close" to me. what a fool i was to actually think they were my friends. we're not. i just thought that. they dont care about me. not at all, only if it affects them do they decide to "care." bah! i dont need "friends" like that. ppl dont have my back. i cannot trust anyone. i cant confide in no one. im fed up. im flyin' solo again only for myself to look out for me, and even then i screw myself over. so really i got jack shit.... damn this blowz ass chunkards! fuck you world!!